Everyone tries to put a label on her, but they never get passed weird, strange, or goofy. Stargirl is the main character in this story. Stargirl Character: a person or object represented in a work of fiction (play or film or story). This whole story takes place in past tense, and Leo tells the story. This is where the Hillari Kimble scandal began, where all the people in MHS began to show their true colors, where they all began to ignore Stargirl for being herself. MHS is where all the drama in Stargirl’s life takes place. Mica Area High School is in Arizona, near a desert, where all the other settings happen to branch off of. The most important setting in Stargirl is at Mica High School because that’s where Leo Borlock meets Stargirl Caraway. Main Setting Setting: The place and time period where the story takes place. This is important to the story because if she didn’t stop being Susan, she would’ve lost Dori as a friend, and she wouldn’t have acted the way she did at the Ocotillo Ball. Just like that.” () This quote is the resolution because it shows how Stargirl went back to being herself, instead of someone she didn’t want to be. Plot Three - Resolution “ I did not see her for the rest of the weekend. This is what caused Leo to make the mistake of trying to change Stargirl, and Stargirl to change to Susan. They went right through us as if they were gamma rays.” () I chose this quote because this is what started the whole shunning. Faces turned up from the step below, but the eyes never connected with us. A crowded stairway, and no shoulder, no sleeve brushed us.” “Mostly what I noticed were the eyes.

Plot Two - Climax “ We were walking side by side. This leads to other problems later in the book. They don’t like the fact that she wants to be different. “Why can’t you be normal?” “Why do you wanna be so different?” “Yeah– is something wrong with us, you gotta be so different?” “Why don’t you wear make-up?” They were all standing now, jabbing, jutting, shouting, whether they had the mike or not.” () This quote shows how they don’t like Stargirl. With all the buttons and switches at my command, I was helpless to change anything on the other side of the glass. Everyone turned against her, and after that incident, nobody spoke to her.

The first plot I chose was the one from the Hot Seat episode, starring Stargirl. Plot One – Rising Action Plot: what takes place in a story. For example, an extended metaphor is written in each unit.“ L i t e r a r y E l e m e n t s Power Point” Stargirl By : Elizabeth Forbes & Mallory Deutsch Bell One 2/20/08 Many activities were created with support in the Stargirl unit so that students are likely to have successful experiences on their own or in a small group. Each handout begins with comprehension questions to ensure students are “getting it”. Since Love, Stargirl is a letter (the “world’s longest love letter” no doubt!), we divided the unit into dates. We did not have time to read the sequel to Stargirl as a whole class, so we developed a unit that allowed us to use Love, Stargirl as an independent read in two classes and a literature circle novel in two classes.

Last year we started to use Love, Stargirl as a follow-up unit. After you look at the table of contents, you can purchase the entire unit for Stargirland begin to use the unit in your classroom today. These handouts will let you see how we engage our students with important ELA standards throughout the entire novel. What a wonderful combination! I am including a sample from our lesson plans for Stargirl. When we started to use lesson plans for Stargirl with our middle school students several years back, we quickly fell in love with Leo, free-spirited Stargirl, and even Cinnamon! We were able to enjoy Spinelli’s fantastic novel while also teaching Common Core standards.